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Welcome friends, family, and clients! My Internet business process consulting services are now officially in high gear. The brief hiatus after Allegiance Telecom was healthful, energizing and inspiring. I’m extremely excited about getting back to what I do best. There’s much to do, clients are starting to queue up, and I’ve not had this much fun building and creating since the early days at CTSnet! If you’re not yet a client, please check out my services to learn more about how I can help your business succeed.
From: Sean Hugelmaier
From: Sean Hugelmaier
Subject: Kudos to CTSnet
I thought you might enjoy this. On Thursday this past week I wore my
CTSnet polo (old cts logo) to the office. By the end of the day I had
been stopped by at least 13 people at SPAWAR all who were previous CTS
I think each person detained me from 5 – 45 minutes (shell users of
course =) and we talked about CTS and how they had felt about the
company. It was very refreshing to hear all of them say how much they
enjoyed being CTS customers, how they had really felt like CTS was a
local SD company that cared about SD, and how they missed the CTS they
were so fond of.
I even had about 3 of them ask “So, you know Morgan and Bill?” I
think I knocked their socks off with my personal stories of CTS and
the long hours we all put in making it a success.
I just wanted to pass this on since I think it is very important that
everyone involved in CTS knows they are not forgotten and that the
users out there really seem to miss the company. I know I am very
proud to have worked at CTS and I really feel the opportunites opening
up for me now are a direct result of the work and education I received
there. Thanks!
[ A Marine who served in the first Gulf War, Sean started out at CTSnet as a technical support representative and steadily was promoted into supervisory roles due to his outstanding leadership. While we were under the regime, Sean left as manager of data center operations. — Morgan ]
I recently received two interesting letters and thought I should create a letters section. You won’t want to miss these letters. These are real letters from real people. If you have an interesting letter you’d like to send me, please do. I would love to include it on the new letters page.