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Duration (y, d, h, m, s):

Speed (t, g, m, k):

Traffic (t, g, m, k):

Precision: digits

Modem/baud rates

  How much network traffic is generated in 4 hours from a 32Kbps stream received by 400 people? How long does it take to transfer a gigabyte file over a T1 line? Find the answers to these and other bandwidth questions using our Bandwidth calculator. Enter two of three items (speed, traffic, or duration) and click the Calculate button to get the desired answer.

Accurate bandwidth calculations can help you make intelligent choices about your Internet needs. By combining this information with our Resource calculator you can even estimate network traffic costs.


Duration: Represented in seconds by default unless a number is followed by y, d, h, m, or s, corresponding to years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Example: 1d4h7m3s is 1 day, 4 hours, 7 minutes and 3 seconds.

   Speed: Represented in bits per second unless a number is followed by t, g, m, or k. Example: 64k is 64 kilobits per second. Magnitudes come in increasing powers of 10. A kilobit is 1000 bits (Kbps). A megabit is 1 million bits (Mbps). A gigabit is 1 billion bits (Gbps). A terabit is 1 trillion bits (Tbps).

Traffic: Represented in bytes unless a number is followed by t, g, m, or k. Example: 3g is 3 gigabytes. Magnitudes come by raising 2 by increasing powers of 10. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes (KB). A megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes (MB). A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 bytes (GB). A terabyte is 1,099,511,627,776 bytes (TB).

   x Notation: For convenience, enter a number followed by the letter x after any Duration, Speed, or Traffic value to act as a multiplier. Examples: 32k400x is 32k times 400 (or 12.8m), and 1y5d2x is 2 years, 10 days.

Precision: By default, numbers are shown with two digit decimal precision. Enter a number representing your desired level of precision.

   Modem/baud rates: If checked, uses 9-bit chars for < 38400bps and 10-bit chars for < 1200bps (default is 8 bit chars).

If you have questions about network bandwidth, please contact Customer Support.

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